Thursday, October 11, 2012

Back from Sabbatical: New series on THE HOBBIT & Book of Adventures stories, Vol. 1

your personal invite to ...

The Hobbit: A Spiritual Book & Film Seminar Exploring Middle Earth & its Relevance for our own Heroic Journeys today  
Oct 30, 7:00 PM
Interfaith Community Church
1763 NW 62nd Street
Seattle, Washington 98107
call for more info / RSVP to Tim: 

The Hobbit: A Spiritual Book & Film Seminar 
with Tim Malone, M.Div.
timm3.jpgTuesdays:  October 30th — December 11th  
 7:00 — 9:00pmFriday December 14th we will attend opening night of “The Hobbit” as a group.
$75.00 before 10/15 ($90 after) — theatre ticket additional
Tim Malone, M.Div. is a Spiritual Director, Book/Film Group Facilitator and Retreat master who has been immersed in interfaith/ecumenical dialogue for over 20 years. He is a lineage holder of the Spiritual Exercises (SEEL) of St. Ignatius, founder of the Jesuit Order. He has been facilitating group on Tolkein and Mythology since 2001 in preparation for the Lord of the Rings films through Still Point Spirituality Center.
Read more about Tim on his website:
FOR FLYER visit:

(and what about the CD release of original songs?!!)
A new Book of Adventure Stories from the one year pilgrimage in Asia is in process of re-writing & editing. It is scheduled for release as an e-book, audio and some print by January 2013. Twelve years in the making and Vol. 1 is being prepared with future vol 2 by end of 2013.  The music CD is on hold until this most important project is complete yet the studio has been found and will be recording in winter 2013. To reserve your copy contact me:
In the meantime, browse the website for stories and poems!!
It take a lot of courage -- and support -- to allow these to come to the light of day ... thank you for your part in this unfolding creative dreams emerging!   :)


Fifth Sunday
Dec 30, 10:00 AM
Interfaith Community Church
with Musician Celebrant Yanadevi Viniko and Tim Malone, M.Div.
Yanadevi small.jpgtm sm.jpg

A fully participatory all music, chant and song service.
Congregants are encouraged to bring a song, short poem or prayer to share. 
Tim Malone, M.Div. is a Spiritual Director and Retreat master who has been immersed in interfaith for over 20 years. He is a lineage holder of the Spiritual Exercises (SEEL) of St. Ignatius, founder of the Jesuit Order. Tim roots music and chants in a prayerful sacred space which often faciliates participants entering a meditative state. Thus centered we become open to the power of Spirit and Healing Energy in silence, sound and poetry. Read more about Tim on his website:

 Yanadevi Viniko enjoys sharing the timeless gift of music as an uplifting way to weave community and to touch the mystery of the heart. As a musician-celebrant and composer, she is a long-standing member of ICC as well as a contributor to interfaith gatherings, chanting circles, Dances of Universal Peace and other spiritfilled venues. Yana may be reached at yanadevi@gmail.com206-310-3117Dec. 30, 2012 (Every 5th Sunday)  10 am 
Come Into the Sanctuary .... 
and Play with the Divine ...
Let us Pray ... Let us Play!!
It IS a Miracle ...
Act AS IF more are going to happen ... 
to you, maybe even this day.
Grace happens, Miracles abound. Ask for the eyes to see ... and openness to receive the gift.

Friday, July 20, 2012

SUMMER SONGS in the park, 4th Sundays


SUMMER SUNDAYS,  July 22 & August 26 
4:00 - 6:30 pm  

WHERE: Volunteer Park, North Capitol Hill of Seattle Amidst the cedar groves northeast of the outdoor amphitheater and south of the conservatory.

WHAT: Bring poem, song, drum/instrument or just yourself to enJOY the soundscape we co-create on a summer afternoon in Nature's bounty.

These events are fruit of the last year's participation in the Artist' Way program to recover our often buried inner artist child. I have alway dreamed of marrying the elements with song, poetry and creative expression and so here is the next round of these events after the cedar trees provided sacred space last month for a mix of folks to share and even dance!

come as you are 
and call if locating the Cedar groves seems elusive!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Summer Songs & Poetry events -- June 24 & July 6

1)  SONG CIRCLE & POETRY under the Cedars, June 24th 

4-6 pm at Volunteer Park, Capitol Hill Seattle

Bring a song or poem to share, 
all styles, spiritual or playful, original or your favorite!
or call

2)  SUMMER SONGS & PIZZA PARTY  friday night, JULY 6th,   6-9 pm
       Let us Play!

Family FUN 

hosted at Interfaith Community Ctr|
1763 NW 62nd Street in Ballard 98107


Music by Timothy EarthHealer & SOUL FAM
with special guests
(i.e. Timothy Malone, Heidi & John Malcomson, et al)
with special guest singer from Tim's East Coast Family and 
interactive Puppet Show for the kids

Friday July 6th   7:00—9:00pm
6:00pm Pizza Making Party; 
bring favorite topping, kids & adults alike, gluten-free options

Join in on Life-affirming & interactive original songs with some Motown covers as
Your Whole Family invited into sanctuary space of Play and "KittyTIGERJoyJOY!" 
(see U-tube  video under that name to get a sense for the evening ahead)

$5-10 suggested donation supports fundraising effort for ICC; $20.00 family

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Tonight's show re-scheduled; Utube video now up for viewing!


during a week of warm, blooming weather!

 Note: NO show this saturday at the Ridgeback as they have changed their format ... yet I express grateful fulness to them for the right space to "share the love" with SOUL FAM for two lively shows in March and April. We are ready to shift to two new venues and bring these life-affirming, spirited songs out into the light of day for the benefit of all beings!. See below for more info, but first, watch the video!!


As promised, click on the link below to watch

 KittyTIGERJoyJOY song (Live and uncut) by Timothy Malone


*** MAY 16th: NEXT wednesday night 8-10 pm at Enlighten cafe for their OPEN MIC night I will do 2-3 songs
in preparation for this next event:

*** MAY 31st, Thursday night debut: ENLIGHTEN CAFE & ART GALLERY IN BALLARD OLD TOWN: 5424 Ballard Avenue NW, Seattle, WA 98107, 206.706.0910

*** JUNE 24th, 4 -6 pm at Volunteer Park, Capitol Hill, Seattle, convening a "Music & Poetry CIRCLE"
Go to cedar groves north of the asian art museum on the west side of the street.

CALL OR EMAIL for more info:  206.985.4338
and I will send a reminder,
if you would like to stay on the list!

CD coming out this MONTH!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

How might Music save the Hurting World?

Timothy EarthHealer

& Soul Fam

Upcoming Monthly events:

· APRIL 14 at ridgeback cafĂ© 7 pm

· JUNE 24th Vol. pk. cedar grove

Set list from Debut:

1. Raining in the Desert

2. We Love (Ourselves Today)

3. Kitty Tiger Joy Joy (in 5 languages -- with hand puppets!)

4. Cowboy Song (from film “Joe v. Volcano”)

5. Good Medicine @ INDIAN CANYON

6. Instrumentals: Harmonic Convergence

7. Back to the Valley (Rivendale)

8. BE Filled (with Light and Love)

9. BlackBird Fly

10. Chants & Poetry Songs

11. Why can’t I? (Ode to Brasil Jazz)

12. The Over 40 Blues / Blues Medley

13. The Leprechan Song (St. Paddy’s Day Blues)

NEW CD COMING May 1, 2012


LAST MONTH POST -- FEBRUARY 2012: What if Joy is what its all about?


Meditations on our core pivotal centers: Heart, Head & Gut
U R Beautiful
What is the Song of your Heart? Soul?
Question War: How might this be helpful?
What if each of us had a Personal Trainer in Spirituality/Spiritual life?
Recovering, one day at a time,
Dog is with us ...
What if we love ourselves today... What difference does it make?
We love Japan! one year later, connections
I call myself "A Citizen ... of the World"
When is the last time you heard (or thought) you are Loveable just as you are?
Listening to the still, small voice within ...
What if your spiritual practice will save the world?
MEDITATION saved my life!
What is spiritual companioning /direction? How might it help me to center my life?
Good medicine you don't find at a pharmacy ...
Kitty Tiger Joy Joy
Indian Canyons
Photos with Guided Meditations on Staying Present & Healing
Songs (Upcoming cd)
poems (drafts for upcoming poetry book)
State of the Union, spiritual health of a nation and its people
Finding the right space, place & pace for YOUR life
Solitude Serenity: a life without a TV
The value of reviewing your day every night: Ignatian Spirituality resources

Monday, February 27, 2012

What if JOY JOY is what it's all about??

What if en-joy-ing life
with music, community, moving our beautiful bodies, and participating in that which leads us to growth,
and some kind of service, IS what we all all most deeply looking for
and need to be fully alive?!
What is Joy, anyway?! What does it FEEL like?
One way to find out if this works for you, and yours, is to step out ...
Below is an invitation to try just that -- Live in Joy -- and enter into songs with meaning on (a kind of holiday) March 17th.

WHY DID THE MOVIE "Artist" win the oscar this year?

JOY JOY, on a screen -- old school meets new days.
Bring forth your inner ARTIST by joining future events which invite forth your voice, writing, inner song,
shake of a rattle. Or just write a few words in response to this blog (or another). In this way, we engage
and find out: We are not alone.

You are cordially INVITED to come witness the fruit of years of preparation: (and thawing: its 30 years since buying my first guitar!)

"Timothy EarthHealer and SOULFam"
is scheduled to play on St. Paddy's day
for my first Live public show from 7:00 - 9:00 pm
with guest musicians, original tunes, some Irish covers --
and chance to eat crepes & drink what heals ya!

ADDRESS: The Ridgeback Cafe, 500 NW 65th St.
Seattle, WA 98117 (206) 783-4073

of the Evening (and Monthly Music Gatherings 2012):

New songs come through many artists and some ask to be brought to the light of day;
Come on a journey with me into spaces and places,
some playful and humorous, some sacred and even magical.
In this way the evening becomes a sharing -- of music, story, a SongSharing
which you can join in, participate, in multivalent ways.

This event is the first of MONTHLY gatherings to come --
indoors and in local parks under cedar trees -- over the span of 2012.

  • Bring a friend or two!!
  • Celebrate Life and
  • the Precious sounds of FREE Live music!

FYI: The group is called under my stage name:

Timothy EarthHealer & Band (SoulFam)

sings Kitty Tiger Joy Joy!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Memories of the Snowstorm: Haiku and meditations to come

Remarkable! Beautiful! Fun! Scary ...
The Weeklong SnowStorm of 2012
expressed itself in three movements: Snow, Ice and Wind
(and for some, floods & power outages for days)

However it was experienced ...
in the shape of Haiku here for you:

During those days of forced retreat these poems emerged
and asked to be shared ...

1. Boughs, heavy with snow
Bend to the Earth, pointing:
pure white, powdery delight.

2. Snow fall, Winters day.
Slow down, gears halt to silence;
(So) we may feel the Love.

3. Ice, Snow, Broken Branches
Upon the Ground - Nature's
heavy burden, down.

Next up:
Guided Meditations for Self-Discovery