Thursday, November 18, 2010

How do we spiritually prepare for the holiday? Dec 2 & 9


“Spiritual Preparation for the Holidays:”
Thursdays , Dec. 2 & 9th, 7 -9 pm

Interfaith Community Church, Ballard

Come ground yourself this busy season with Contemplative Prayer, sacred Chant, and Storytelling. Learn practical ways to allow the crazy “Holi-Daze” to turn into truly Holy days with those you love.
Local Author Jan Vallone will read from her Memoir & excerpt from her story in Chicken Soup for the Soul) and “Clutter coach” Carol Paulsen will help us remember to breathe as we join with many traditions who celebrate Light amidst the darkness.
$ 25 for both nights -- or $15.00 at the door.

December 12, 10 am
from various traditions, including originals, at the Sunday 10-11:15 am Interfaith Community Church. Co-led with singer/composer/pianist Yanna Devi. Free will Donation.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Labrynth walk Wed. & north bend day of yoga/meditation

Much to note and celebrate in this season of summer whirls by
before we can
the sweetness
such is the season
of fullness
each year
in the Northwest!

To walk the Labrynth in an outdoor setting under trees with a candle amidst community & song
Yoga and meditation beside a river winding its way from mountain and waterfall
reach ...
Wednesday and Saturday, respectively.

for more info or directions ...
for wednesday

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

August 1st service & afternoon contemplative experience

Are you hungry for time to rest in a quiet space
to be refreshed from within?

Come for the Sunday August 1st At 10:00 am:

“Resting in God: Guided Meditations and Chants
for Cultivating Compassion in Everyday Life”

with Tim Malone, M.Div.

Come to a morning contemplative experience -

and optional afternoon retreat (12:30 to 4:30pm) -

where we will steep in silence, meditation, mystical poetry and sacred chant.
There will be opportunity to learn spiritual disciplines from the west to the east which
lead us to the core of our being where compassion for others – and ourselves – resides.
From this place in our being we can experience the Oneness where we all dwell. Inspired
and enlivened we respond to our suffering world in a way that brings light, harmony
and love.

For more info and to register for afternoon retreat at ICC Aug. 1st 12:30~4:30pm visit;

During his 20 years in Seattle Tim has served as counselor, peace activist, retreat leader, meditation mentor, spiritual director,
leader of music and chant, and teacher of Prayer and different Spiritualities.
As a bridge between cultures and spiritual traditions,
Tim leads a six-week Pilgrimage each Spring to encourage dialogue between the World Religions. Tim is also a member of Interfaith
Community Church and our most often requested returning diverse worship presenter

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Combining Prayer, Meditation & Yoga June 12

Join us for
an Afternoon of

yoga and meditation

Saturday June 12th 1pm – 5pm

Come explore combining gentle yoga with meditation practices from various traditions. Nourish your body and soul with mindful movement, awareness, and compassion. Take with you some ideas for a continued personal meditation practice. Open to all – no previous experience necessary!

Tim Malone, M.Div. and Jayde Pryzgoda, 200-RYT will lead this workshop.

Place: Motion Sense Studio,
7001 3rd Ave NW, Seattle (Phinney Ridge)

Registration and/or Questions:
Please contact Jayde at or

Suggested Donation $15 - $20

Tim Malone is an experienced meditation practitioner and retreat facilitator. You can read more about his background and interests here:

Jayde Pryzgoda is a certified yoga instructor in the Viniyoga tradition. For more information on her style of teaching, please see her blog:

THis will hopefully be the beginning of a regular offering -- bringing together movement & meditation from various traditions in one afternoon.
won't you come -- and try it out with us?!

I will be co-leading this 4 hour mini-retreat alternating Yoga with guided sitting & meditations at a studio in Phinney Ridge area where Jayde teaches.
. This is a mindful, Rest-filled opportunity to deepen spiritual life with body, mind & spirit.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May 11 -- A Unique Window into Muslim, Sufi ways of praying


Muslim & Sufi Ways of Praying and Living.”
May 11th , 7 pm, St. James' Cathedral Hall.

Tim Malone, M.Div will be facilitating a panel of “ordinary” women and men who will share experiences of daily life as a Muslims in this society.
We will hear what is most meaningful for families living in USA practicing five times a day prayer and other pillars of Islam.
The goal is to awaken each of us to faith of Islam as it is practiced by men and women locally so that we can understand and dialogue more compassionately in our own communities.
Panelists include persons from Turkey & a Whirling Dervish from the lineages connected with the poet Rumi.

All are welcome and encouraged to attend this unique event
aimed at Interfaith dialogue and cooperation toward a more peaceable world.


MAY 18th WINDOW INTO THE EAST ... as it prays ....

Want to see how people pray & seek healing on the island of Bali and beyond?

Come on a Visual Pilgrimage alongside a veteran traveler and teacher who encountered World Religions from the inside on a one year Pilgrimage in Asia. Meet “holy men,” healers & sacred sites for women and men for more than three millennia.
Eastern spiritual traditions come alive on this evening of stories and powerpoint images.

All are welcome. Come as you are.
Same info as above.
see flyer on website

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

When will there be peace?? How??

There will be no peace
on earth until understanding
comes between Spiritual Traditions (& religions).



7 PM Tour and Presentation with Deacon and members
Saint Gebriel Church
940 26th Ave. S
Seattle, WA 98144
ETTIQUETTE: BRING SOCKS or wear so that you can remove shoes once in Church.
Reading assignment: 1) Neusner, pp. vii-xix as introduction 2) Chapter 6 on Orthodox Christianity & any introductory chapters you desire to explore. 3) Visit Website to learn about services and local practices.

7 PM tour and presentation
Temple De Hirsch Sinai Reformed Synagogue,
1511 East Pike street, Seattle, 98122
PARKING: Park in lot on East Union just west of 16th. Walk north on 16th to Temple Entrance on your left just south of Pike st..
Reading Assignment: Chapter 7 in Neusner: handout on “Judaism” in the packet. Visit Website to learn about services and local practices.

Sheikh Idriss Mosque, (enter basement via parking lot - see below)
1420 NE Northgate Way, Seattle, 98125

NOTE ON ENTERING MOSQUE: The front door may not be open. Just west of where Northgate way meets 15th Ave Turn left into small lot or park on 14th /15th and enter this way: “handicap entrance” via parking lot lower level.

7:00-8:00 pm presentation downstairs, basement entrance
8:00 Q & A
8:15 break and prepare for prayer
8:36 We are invited to join the evening Prayer, Sunset "Salat," the 10-15 minute prayer period performed 5 times daily by Muslims. We will Stand/sit in back behind.

Reading Assignment: * Read etiquette below & “Islam” section, Chapter 11, in Neusner; Handouts in Packet; Visit Website for extensive and helpful information.

Etiquette for Visiting the Mosque

Welcome to Idriss Mosque, the House of Allah (God) and place of worship for Muslims. We believe it important to learn about and share our similarities as well as discuss our differences to learn, live and work together with each other in peace and harmony. When visiting Idriss Mosque, we ask your courtesies in complying with the following to honor our house of worship:
Dress modestly -Women - no see through, tight clothing, halter tops, shorts or skirts above calf length, no exposed breast, stomachs, arms, etc. Men – no bare chest, tight shirts, pants, exposure of underwear, open front, sleeveless shirts, etc
Avoid - heavy makeup, perfumed lotions, cologne, strong perfumes
Remove footwear upon entering the Mosque. No bare feet - wear or bring socks.
A scarf, hat or loose covering for the head of women visitors is not required but appreciated.

May 11 PANEL: Muslim & Sufi Daily Life & Prayer. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC
7 pm St. James Cathedral Hall: Women and Men represented.
Bring your Questions.

May 17 PILGRIMAGE: A Visual Journey to Asia to see Eastern ways of Praying

7 pm St. James Hall. Led by Tim. Open to the public.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Spring Retreat and Upcoming World Religions series

Scents tickle the nose,
Songs fill the moist, gusty air:
Spring Blooms mightily!

© TJM 2010

I wrote this haiku in the spur of the moment; sometimes this is the most effective crucible for letting a poem bloom! (Or for letting ourselves bloom ... in the joy of spontaneity!)

I will be on Spring Retreat next week at the Trappist Abbey. Over the Easter Break happened to be the best time to be away. I am celebrating one year down in South King County. I have not posted for a few week due to several transformative personal and professional changes taking precedence. Now underway are plans for a 9 month training for skills in "Spiritual Companioning" to begin in May.

I will host and convene the 15th World Religions series (since 2000) downtown Seattle next to St. James Cathedral Tuesdays from April 13 - May 18.

May 11 & 18 will be open to the public. May 11th I will facilitate a panel of women and men Muslims about their prayer and daily life, including a Sufi "Whirling Dervish" who will demonstrate prayer while turning. May 18 will be a kind of Spiritual Travelogue, an audiovisual of how people pray in Asia. See the website for the flyer and updated info ...

Monday, March 1, 2010

Spiritual Exercising


A 10 WEEK SERIES To deepen your spiritual life / learn many prayer styles to use in daily life.

WEEK 1: (3/1) Overview of the Series & Format:
Prayer Experience: “Let your God love you” (handout)
Setting up a prayer practice – habit of 15 - 30 minutes a day
Ignatian Prayer Style: Setting up a prayer period – (handout)
Initiate Lenten-Easter faith sharing exp./ neighbor / encourage new each week
Prayer Partners/support (faith sharing guidelines) – prayer processing

WEEK 2: (3/8) The Movements and the Foundation:
Prayer Experience: Receiving God’s Love
Prayer Style: Praying the Principle & Foundation (2 versions – handout)
Movements of the Exercises (handout)

WEEK 3: (3/15) The First Movement: Obstacles to Receiving God’s Love
Ignatius’ recovery -- Prayer Style: Examen, pt. 2 (handout – 2 sides)
Discernment of Spirits: Consolation and desolation

WEEK 4 : (3/22) The Second Movement: Images of God
Prayer Style: Lectio Divina
Meditating with the life of Jesus – ministry of love and compassion
Looking at how he related and received God’s love and guidance

WEEK 5: (3/ 29) The Third Movement: Passion
Entering into the Suffering of the Holy One
Prayer Style: Ignatian Contemplation/
Praying with our Imagination in Gospel/ / Triduum


WEEK 6: (4/12) From Death into New Life:
Praying our experience of Holy Week & Triduum
Prayer Style: Application of the Senses

WEEK 7: (4/19) The Fourth Movement: Resurrection
Praying with the Risen One through gospel encounters

WEEK 8: (4/26) Discernment in the Light
Listening & Responding to God’s call with the whole person/
Labrynth, Rosary and Chant as other ways to pray

WEEK 9: (5/3) Contemplation on Divine Love
Praying the Contemplatio: “Take, Lord, Receive, all”
Contemplative Prayer: Sitting in Silence with God

WEEK 10: (5/10) Closing night
(or 5/17 - if Tim in Costa Rica previous May weekend)

Continuing your “Spiritual Exercising” in Daily Life
Continuing Prayer Practice & Gratefulness Prayer
Resources for support: Spiritual Direction, SEEL, retreat, books

Friday, February 19, 2010

The Art of Discernment and simple steps

The Art of Listening to that still, small voice --
deep enough and it is the voice of God

Notes from RETREAT DAY February 20th 2010 Renton, WA

* How do we come to hear the voice of God in our busy lives?
* What is “God’s will” for me at this time in my life?


Discernment is often defined as “perceiving what is hidden or concealed” from our view by means of a “keenness of discrimination.” (Webster’s Dictionary). Yet in its fullness it is first a process: of “sifting and sorting” out what is true or right for me – be it a specific choice, a response, a lifestyle or our life’s purpose (i.e. vocation). Also, in this process we invite and involve the Spirit – in fact it’s all about God!

Thus, there is a difference between entering a particular Decision-making process - and a larger discernment. Often we can decide more easily between what we want and don’t want, what is more obviously good/healthy or not so healthy /helpful. Discernment is often a choice between two goods.

“There are many good things out there. Not all are good for me … at this time.” Sr. K. Dyckman, SNJM

We begin with a Practice of LISTENING, of noticing within, to tease out differences between:
· A Craving
· A Desire
· Our Deepest Desire: is this nudge coming from our most authentic self?

· When we follow the root to the core of ourselves and discover our deep desire to love, express, create a life with God’s grace, St. Ignatius notes, we will find this is the same as God’s will for us.

THE BIG Q. How do I know whether my deepest desire is what is God’s deepest desire/call for me?

CLUES: Energized; Joy, fruits of the Spirit; A sense of God’s presence or being called; work = prayer.

The Spiritual Goal of Discernment.

1. Receive God’s Love daily and Give back out of place of freedom and joy for gift given.

2. To become freed (from inordinate attachments) thus available to respond in Love in the circumstances of our lives.

3. To begin to Know our deepest desires and choose that which leads us closer to God. Entrusting ourselves to God’s care we offer our talents in becoming the person we have been created to be as we live out our life’s purpose most fully.
We begin to ask: how can I best serve?

TOOLS and Practices to uncover our deepest desires and listen for the voice of intuition, deep wisdom, God speaking:

A. Practice the EXAMEN review daily – in personal prayer and/or shared with others. Talk to God/Spirit/the Mystery/Source.
B. LISTEN . Daily Awareness: Noticing times of craving v. deeper desires; Discernment of Spirits.
C. BE PRESENT TO GOD. With you. Now. Sitting in silence & stillness Five minutes a day. Scripture or inspiration from sacred traditions can be conduit for power of grace coming into your

contact me to learn about the EXAMEN or other meditation disciplines tailored to your life.
or visit for coming events and Spiritual Exercises.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Upcoming events and new flyer on Spiritual Direction

Yesterday there were yellow Crocuses smiling at the sun and the scent of sarcophogi and phlox perfuming the air:
Celtic Spring is here!
Also, Chinese new year shares the weekend with St. Valentine's day.
Are we an interfaith world, or what?!

For info on my writings and a new tri-fold bold glossy flyer on "What is Spiritual Direction" go to this (or cut and paste in your browser!)


1) A DAY of Reflection on the topic of DISCERNMENT

FEBRUARY 20th 9 am - 12 noon

For the Deepest Voice, the still small voice, even the voice of God?

Come for REFLECTION, PRAYER, CHANT & Spiritual Conversation.

St. stephen the Martyr in Renton, WA
See calendar on Coming events page on my website -- link above.

MARCH 1 "A Taste of the Spiritual Exercises"

March 1 thru May 24 -- 12 week series
For more info on both events contact (253) 631-1940
Free will donation. All are welcome.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Brief Bio /Bioptic (So far...)

A BRIEF AUTO-BIO (So Far...) Written in third person):

Each day I sit in silence for 30 minutes, chant from multiple traditions and go to bed with an examination of my consciousness ( grateful and challenging moments from the day). From an early age Tim was known to be sensitive, especially to the movement of the Spirit, a felt a connection that defined his path. Though it was said he rocked and rolled on the scale so much they could not weigh him as a baby the gentle -spirit Tim has so far emerged strongest. Reared in the Catholic Christian Tradition in the Midwest Tim attended U of Notre Dame and was trained as prayer and retreat leader amidst his own period of initiation into the spiritual life, including serious illness and chronic fatigue. This struggle resulting in changing tracks from pursuing medical Doctor to the healing arts of counseling psychology. Tim served for a year internship with JVC in Seattle which led to seven years in the mental health profession, equipping him to be with people in searching and in suffering, “a light in the dark,” as one woman suffering deep depression called him.
In 1991 he took the first of his sabbaticals overseas, this one to Europe for four months. He experienced such an awakening from living at Taize monastery (France) and living like St. Francis in Assisi Italy that he returned to the states and entered the Franciscan order. Continued discernment of religious life resulted in clarity that though he exhibits the “priestly” archetype his style of living this charism out would not fit in Holy Orders as they exist now. Returning to the NW and a brief engagement to a fellow pilgrim he followed an inner call to live in intentional spiritual community with both men and women. While studying for his Masters of Divinity he co-founded a community in Seattle which lived, served and meditated together for five years. This community initiated him into many different spiritual traditions and expressions of faith. During this time Tim served as adult spirituality coordinator in a parish and then coordinated the CHANNEL leadership training program until 2000 when he embarked on a one year solo Pilgrimage in Asia. Before his departure he co-founded and facilitated two “World Religions” series, each attending five houses of worship in the community for the purpose of encountering and learning to dialogue with often unknown “others” such as Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist.
This jubilee year marked an intense exploration and growth period which still involves yearly pilgrimages to the East. Having attended events and dialogued with leaders such as the Dalai Lama in India, Nepali Hindu Priests, Thai Buddhist monks, Bali-nese healers and Japanese Zen practitioners Tim realized that truly until there is understanding between the people of the world’s religions there will always be war between nations. Returning from Asia three weeks before 9.11.01 Tim was called forth by the Stillpoint Spirituality Center to lead groups to the Mosque so as to build a bridge in the community. In the intervening years Tim has led over 15 groups from all over the county to over 20 houses of worship, connecting over 1000 persons.
Between 2001 – 2008 Tim honed his skills as a Spiritual Director in both 1:1 and group settings through the Spiritual Exercises training program as well as learn to teach prayer and meditation both east and west. Six years in leadership of the non-profit Ignatian Spirituality Center birthed the popular “Spirituality on Tap” program across two counties. Tim explored other modalities and integrates these in his practice as Spiritual Director/Disciplines coach/Presider: Chanting, contemplative prayer ,Focusing, Enneagram, Healing Touch and Energy work/medicine, Mythology – modern and ancient, indigenous healing and shamanic practice. Recently, Tim presided at both the Interfaith Community Church and Swedenborg Community where a participant at each remarked, “you are a kind of “spiritualist:” you facilitate the Spirit to come into this space … into our hearts … with your deep, melodic speaking voice and simple song which opens up the soul …to grace.”
In Sept. 2009 Tim’s first Audio CD debut in the Philadelphia area, “Resting in God: Guided Meditations and Original Chants for Everyday Practice.” He is fresh off his third sabbatical (this lifetime) and living in a carriage house on a 3 acre estate in South King county which affords him ample time in solitude and nature to be “fully present” and energized to love and offer gifts of music, voice, meditation and healing presence. He enjoys writing poetry and songs in free time, many of which are available on this website or blog. Some day he may enter into the world of paper books, voice acting and lecture circuits yet at present he is content to just be. It is enough to dedicate oneself in offering spiritual direction, retreats and seminars, both in USA and in Costa Rica. If interested in having Tim facilitate an uplifting and contemplative spiritual experience contact him through this website ( left side panel.)

Influences over time: Family (Malones, Bott and Schmidts), Thomas Merton, Dorothy Day, Rumi, St Ignatius and Jesuits, Francis, and John of the Cross, Dom Bede Griffiths of South India monastery, Taize, Thich Nhat Hahn, Therese of Lixeiu,MLK, Ghandi, Jesus, Buddha, Sri Ramakrishna, George Harrison, Zen poets at Haiku

Mentors and Spiritual Directors: William Johnston SJ in Tokyo (Cloud of Unknowing), Bro Wayne Teasdale (Mystic Heart), Tibetan leader in Exile H.H. Dalai Lama, Andy Dufner SJ of Nestucca Sanctuary, Sr. Mary Walsh OSF, Many Jesuits at Seattle U., ND,JVC, and Katmandu Nepal; Sheik Sufi leader Jamal Rachman, Rabbi ____,Swami Bhaskarananda Vedanta Society, Crestone Colorado Community, Shantivanum (India) and New Camaldolesce (CA) Hermits,

Monday, January 11, 2010

Taking Time for just Being: An Interfaith Way of practicing SABBATH

Excerpts from my presentation tonight
for Cabrini "Continuing Education" program:



JEWISH: Out of Genesis 2: SABBATH in over 25 passages in Hebrew and Christian Scriptures
Exodus, Leviticus and Deuteronomy: The 10 Commandments

CHRISTIAN: Jesus, the Gospels & the Sabbath: His Practice of Going away to rest & pray ;
Practicing Compassion; Love your neighbor as you love yourself

ISLAM ... Koran enjoins the sabbath in over six passages
HINDU ... From the Upanishads ; festivals in India and Bali call for a day to turn off all power.
BUDDHIST ... meditation, communally and individually, discplines the mind and renews body


· Commit weekly to a time of 1-3 hours, a half day or full day – outside of Mass -
· In solitude or shared with a loved one
· Try “fasting” from electronics of any kind
· Feast on what else there is that is life-giving around you
· Begin by Lighting a Candle(s) … to connect with Tradition
· Place keys, phone, TV controller, etc. and petitions in a Sabbath box
· Bell or Gong (or alarm, if you must) to begin and end your sacred time
· Sacred Space or Altar with icons, images, mementos lead you into Sabbath rest
· Book of reflections or prayers which leads you to your Inner Sanctuary
· Walking stick or binoculars … to encounter Nature out your front door
· Favorite prayer practice or Scripture/Poem – for centering, grounding in rel. with God
· Musical instrument (or favorite quiet background music /guided meditation CD)
· Silence is your friend and can be a companion … leading you to deep self and to God with you.
** Whatever sensations or emotions arise in the time for Being, once attended to, will grow you, like a garden, winter into spring.


Sabbath: Finding Rest, Renewal, and Delight in our Busy Lives by Wayne Muller
The Sabbath by Abraham Joshua Heschel and Susannah Heschel
Solitude: A Return to the Self by Anthony Storr;
Thoughts in Solitude by Thomas Merton
Out of Solitude: Three Meditations by Henri J. M. Nouwen
Resting in God: Guided Meditations for Everyday Life (Audio CD) by Tim Malone


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Two Benevolent Encounters (and upcoming 4 week Series on Meditation!)

Haiku: “Swirl

Pine needles
In pond
Revealing patterns:
What Being

© TJM 2010

Greeting Wild Robin

Each morn'
Before sunrise
Outside my window in a holly tree
A plump, orange-breasted Robin.
Upon opening shutters
We greet
With our eyes,
head tilted in curiosity.
Benevolent Glances.
Together we watch the dawn rising
Over frosted rooftops
Until she begins to sing,
And poop and eat red berry,
Eyes meeting mine now and again;
Until one of us must needs
Travel on our way
Into the sunlit day
Perchance, full,
With Wild Communion,
We, two,
Companioned Souls.

© TJM 2010,

Are you looking ways to deepen your meditation and prayer life?

Do you desire a closer walk with the Divine each and every day?

Would you like to “try on” different styles of praying?

Ways of Praying

A Four-week Introductory series
Exploring Spiritual Disciplines
including sitting in Silence

Begins Tuesday January 12th.
Each evening will include teaching and a guided prayer experience (including prayer with scripture, prayer in the tradition of Saints Benedict and Ignatius, and prayer with silence). Later in the evening, participants may choose to take part in silent reflection or small group faith sharing.

Facilitators: Tim Malone, MDiv, and Rosanne Michaels, MATS
Tim and Rosanne are both spiritual directors and retreat leaders in the Puget Sound area. Both have facilitated prayer experiences at the Ignatian Spirituality Center, and are directors of the Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life.

Dates: Tuesdays, January 12, 19, 26, February 2nd
Time: 7:00 -9:00 pm

Place: “Cathedral Place” behind St. James, Downtown Seattle
Questions? Call Helen Oesterle at 206-382-4514
“The light within us and within all things
needs to be enkindled
by our acts of love,
our emptiness,
our reaching out.”
Patrick Twohy, SJ