Monday, March 1, 2010

Spiritual Exercising


A 10 WEEK SERIES To deepen your spiritual life / learn many prayer styles to use in daily life.

WEEK 1: (3/1) Overview of the Series & Format:
Prayer Experience: “Let your God love you” (handout)
Setting up a prayer practice – habit of 15 - 30 minutes a day
Ignatian Prayer Style: Setting up a prayer period – (handout)
Initiate Lenten-Easter faith sharing exp./ neighbor / encourage new each week
Prayer Partners/support (faith sharing guidelines) – prayer processing

WEEK 2: (3/8) The Movements and the Foundation:
Prayer Experience: Receiving God’s Love
Prayer Style: Praying the Principle & Foundation (2 versions – handout)
Movements of the Exercises (handout)

WEEK 3: (3/15) The First Movement: Obstacles to Receiving God’s Love
Ignatius’ recovery -- Prayer Style: Examen, pt. 2 (handout – 2 sides)
Discernment of Spirits: Consolation and desolation

WEEK 4 : (3/22) The Second Movement: Images of God
Prayer Style: Lectio Divina
Meditating with the life of Jesus – ministry of love and compassion
Looking at how he related and received God’s love and guidance

WEEK 5: (3/ 29) The Third Movement: Passion
Entering into the Suffering of the Holy One
Prayer Style: Ignatian Contemplation/
Praying with our Imagination in Gospel/ / Triduum


WEEK 6: (4/12) From Death into New Life:
Praying our experience of Holy Week & Triduum
Prayer Style: Application of the Senses

WEEK 7: (4/19) The Fourth Movement: Resurrection
Praying with the Risen One through gospel encounters

WEEK 8: (4/26) Discernment in the Light
Listening & Responding to God’s call with the whole person/
Labrynth, Rosary and Chant as other ways to pray

WEEK 9: (5/3) Contemplation on Divine Love
Praying the Contemplatio: “Take, Lord, Receive, all”
Contemplative Prayer: Sitting in Silence with God

WEEK 10: (5/10) Closing night
(or 5/17 - if Tim in Costa Rica previous May weekend)

Continuing your “Spiritual Exercising” in Daily Life
Continuing Prayer Practice & Gratefulness Prayer
Resources for support: Spiritual Direction, SEEL, retreat, books

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