Wednesday, July 14, 2010

August 1st service & afternoon contemplative experience

Are you hungry for time to rest in a quiet space
to be refreshed from within?

Come for the Sunday August 1st At 10:00 am:

“Resting in God: Guided Meditations and Chants
for Cultivating Compassion in Everyday Life”

with Tim Malone, M.Div.

Come to a morning contemplative experience -

and optional afternoon retreat (12:30 to 4:30pm) -

where we will steep in silence, meditation, mystical poetry and sacred chant.
There will be opportunity to learn spiritual disciplines from the west to the east which
lead us to the core of our being where compassion for others – and ourselves – resides.
From this place in our being we can experience the Oneness where we all dwell. Inspired
and enlivened we respond to our suffering world in a way that brings light, harmony
and love.

For more info and to register for afternoon retreat at ICC Aug. 1st 12:30~4:30pm visit;

During his 20 years in Seattle Tim has served as counselor, peace activist, retreat leader, meditation mentor, spiritual director,
leader of music and chant, and teacher of Prayer and different Spiritualities.
As a bridge between cultures and spiritual traditions,
Tim leads a six-week Pilgrimage each Spring to encourage dialogue between the World Religions. Tim is also a member of Interfaith
Community Church and our most often requested returning diverse worship presenter

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