Monday, November 30, 2009

Be Filled with Light

Mondays will no longer be a "blah" day but a "BLOG" day!

As Autumn seems to have been usurped by coming Winter yet still there are four apples hanging onto one bare tree (mostly nibbled by passerbyers!) I offer these poems written in quiet moments on the estate. This season of gathering darkness can be one where we follow the rhythms of nature into more interior silence and rest -- or follow another driving force of our own nature. Four tuesdays in December are highlighted below as a way to welcome our longing for light. It is a contemplative way through dimmed sacred space and simple chant which may leads us to our song of our soul.
(and to writing haiku of our own!)

More poems to remember Summer and Autumn:

1. Haiku: Song of the Gathering

Bird symphony above the path,
Trees rustle, berry drops:
Winter closing in.

2. Summer to Autumn:

Ode to winged ones in search of seed:
So much on the vine.
Is that why you are flying,
to and fro,
at such speed,
Gleeful at first light
of dawn for the gifts
brought on
by summer’s baking long?

3. Haiku: “New Growth”

Planted softly here
Watered with care, Blossom

4. Haiku: “Released

Awake, Freed from longing;
At rest, in God, like a babe
In Mother’s womb.

5. Haiku: Still Life with ____ (or are they kissing?)

Ripe yellow Pear leans
on Spiral Conch Seashell:
Tabletop tenderness.


Featuring original poems & songs
and Chant

from Taize monastery, France
Come to one, Come to all. Open to all faiths.

Tuesdays, December 1, 8*, 15, 22
Time:7:00 - 9:00 pm (*Except Dec. 8, begins 8:00 pm)

Where: St. Francis of Assisi Main Sanctuary,
15226 21st Avenue SW, Burien 98166 206.985.4338

A participatory Experience Facilitated with musical accompaniment by Timothy Malone, M.DivEach evening come into contemplative space, with votive candles andicons. Enter the silence, follow the chant with your voice, weak or strong, whether carrying grief or in joy … Connect with your Soul.

Free will donation. Cd's available for purchase.




Visiting 5 different houses of worship in King County area, Including a Mosque, SIX WEEKS, APRIL 13- MAY 18, 2010 !

NEW CD is here!!-- Light and warmth to you!!

Mondays will no longer be a "blah" day but a "BLOG" day. click here for weekly writings and meditations: go to

Monday, November 23, 2009

autumn haiku -- for you

Autumn Haiku

1. Gold carpeted street:
Autumns’ parting gift –
pine needles released.

2. “Rain Meditation”

So Quiet: chorus
of tap, tap, tap, gentle drum,
constant hum, as one.

3. One last ( gigantic) Pear
Clinging to the vine:
One final taste,
Harvest, 2009.

4. Sigh at Summer’s end:
Apples lie like dew on grass,
reflect glories past.

****All draft poems Copywrite @ 2009 Timothy J. Malone.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Sabbatical complete, a new season begins


I am back in the groove this Autumn; ready to enter a new season which include resuming this blog as a space for creativity and spirituality, poetry and explorations of important themes in our day. is my website and lists upcoming events as well as how to order my new

NEW audio CD, "Resting in Silence, Resting in God. " It is 60 minutes of Tim's voice offering support for your spiritual practice, whatever your tradition, in the form of guided meditations, mystical poetry and chant.
It was produced by my brother on the eastcoast during a series of presentations in the Philadelphia area, one of which was attended by nearly 75 people, all whom received the CD that evening to help further their practice of "praying everyday and staying with it."

MY HOPE AND DESIRE IS TO POST A POEM OR REFLECTION EVERY WEEK ON THIS SITE as a means of radiating light and inspiration in the world. I welcome your comments and also any reflections or poems/images which come to you in reading. This is OUR blog, searchers and finders in the spirit of life, flowing in and out of the wonderful energy of God.
