Monday, December 28, 2009

Winter as time for Being

The light is returning yet our energy may seem sapped or drained out of us. Many of us feel pretty tuckered out by this point in the season and some of us crash, physically (sickness, sugar) or emotionally. This season can be a time of harvesting the fruits of the year by simple spending time "doing" nothing, that is, by "being" for a day or two. Do you notice the body calling you to just rest, to lean into the winter "blanket"?

For me, this is when naps and creativity take more front and center. These seemingly "unproductive" activities can mean loads of space for something new to grow in the next season or at least a chance to let the soil take a much needed breather!

Go take a walk and see what nature is doing, (or being!).
Write a journal entry or a poem about where you at this time of year.
Sing or paint, create a meal which is nourishing.
What else might fit into "being" activity for you?

Question for meditating upon this season of New Light, new beginnings:

What if you saw your life as largely un -charted territory…
with infinite choices
that could each be lived "in the light," with divine inspiration at your back?

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