Monday, February 27, 2012

What if JOY JOY is what it's all about??

What if en-joy-ing life
with music, community, moving our beautiful bodies, and participating in that which leads us to growth,
and some kind of service, IS what we all all most deeply looking for
and need to be fully alive?!
What is Joy, anyway?! What does it FEEL like?
One way to find out if this works for you, and yours, is to step out ...
Below is an invitation to try just that -- Live in Joy -- and enter into songs with meaning on (a kind of holiday) March 17th.

WHY DID THE MOVIE "Artist" win the oscar this year?

JOY JOY, on a screen -- old school meets new days.
Bring forth your inner ARTIST by joining future events which invite forth your voice, writing, inner song,
shake of a rattle. Or just write a few words in response to this blog (or another). In this way, we engage
and find out: We are not alone.

You are cordially INVITED to come witness the fruit of years of preparation: (and thawing: its 30 years since buying my first guitar!)

"Timothy EarthHealer and SOULFam"
is scheduled to play on St. Paddy's day
for my first Live public show from 7:00 - 9:00 pm
with guest musicians, original tunes, some Irish covers --
and chance to eat crepes & drink what heals ya!

ADDRESS: The Ridgeback Cafe, 500 NW 65th St.
Seattle, WA 98117 (206) 783-4073

of the Evening (and Monthly Music Gatherings 2012):

New songs come through many artists and some ask to be brought to the light of day;
Come on a journey with me into spaces and places,
some playful and humorous, some sacred and even magical.
In this way the evening becomes a sharing -- of music, story, a SongSharing
which you can join in, participate, in multivalent ways.

This event is the first of MONTHLY gatherings to come --
indoors and in local parks under cedar trees -- over the span of 2012.

  • Bring a friend or two!!
  • Celebrate Life and
  • the Precious sounds of FREE Live music!

FYI: The group is called under my stage name:

Timothy EarthHealer & Band (SoulFam)

sings Kitty Tiger Joy Joy!