Monday, August 29, 2011

A new beginning ... renewed commitment. Join me!

This week marks the 10th anniversary of my return from a one-year pilgrimage journey across five countries in Asia.

Inspired by this timing and invited to write a book on Pilgrimage as a Healing journey by a local author and doctor for the Sevenfold healing paradigm I am renewing my commitment to utilize this blog as a space to share writings in process as well as fresh poetry and essays which emerge from travels, both outer and inner.
First is the info I sent to the website for this Health Manual. You can buy this book soon via the website and in the next 6 weeks you can download the audio book version which I have been gratefully asked to voice ... may this be for the benefit of all !

** Timothy Malone serves the Creative team of as RetreatMaster, meditation instructor/mentor, voice of the audio book, and will offer music and writing to the website experience.
The Seven levels of integration which this process engenders speaks to me as a comprehensive and liberating modality. I come to the team as a facilitator of deep awareness, a kind of contemplative state from which to open to healing on all levels. Entering into a state in which we can heal ourselves is often challenging to do all by ourselves. To access this space of healing we may find great benefit from having a companion or a voice of support which leads us gently into that deeper state. In twenty years of study, teaching and spiritual practice I have been gratefully led to cultivate a number of ways to support the process of growth and wholeness, including guided meditations, music, and 1:1 “spiritual disciplines” Coaching.

Visit for more info, to email or set up an appointment.
Tim lives in a hermitage near the Puget Sound writing Songs & poetry and serves as spiritual director with the Spiritual Exercises program (SEEL). Visit

Where do we find community to heal?
An Open minded and Open hearted Spiritual community which honors all traditions and which I co-preside the HeartSongs ceremony 5 times a year and teach other classes on Spiritual Integration and Meditation/Prayer styles. The red cedar circle also meets here weekly.